I Love Vulfpeck

When taking an adventure within the deep caverns of Youtube you may find a true gem. It was during one of these adventures one day that I happened to find the beautiful funk band that is Vulfpeck. Youtube's almighty machine had rightly decided I needed some more funk in my life, and Vulfpeck delivered.

Beind kind of confused a few minutes when seeing the first Vulfpeck video, I was immediately hooked afterwards. These guys have a lot going for them. One of the first things you'd notice is the solid musicianship that all of these guys have. Not to mention seeing multiple people of their group switch instruments between videos. Someone that lays down the drum beat in one video, may play the piano, sing or play the guitar in another.

Theres also something pretty satisfying in seeing how much fun they have as a group when playing. You can tell that much of what they do is partly improvised on the spot, and they seem to be challenging each other during the recording. Instead of getting the feeling these are overly polished and well rehearsed songs, the recordings they make manage to retain many of the qualities of a solid improvisation.

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